C’est l’halloween

31/Oct/2013 – C’est l’Halloween!

What a night!

Our two princesses and our two power rangers trucked through a huge part of the community knocking on doors and yelling “trick or treat!” I had little expectations for the girls but they were quite independent as they lugged their loot behind them and went door to door. The weather cooperated and we all had a fun evening out. Mommy and Daddy both went out trick or treating with the kids and just left a pile of treats on the step for kids to help themselves. It was great!

Max and Logan were troopers too and were excited every time something new was dropped into their bags. When we got home they all picked a spot on the living room floor and dumped out their treats. We let them choose three things each and put the rest in assigned containers.

It was a really great time!

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28/Oct/2013 – Snow

Logan has been begging us since yesterday to play outside in the snow. Once we got home from picking Max up from school the two boys trucked to the backyard and spent a good chunk of time making snowballs and leaving footprints in the snow. In between all that I had at least five knocks on the back door to fix mittens because snow was getting inside. They had fun though and it was a great sunny afternoon to get out for some fresh air!

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Classic Logan comment when he can’t get the video game to work “Mommy I am using my brain and it’s just not working!”

the goings on

27/Oct/2013 – The Goings On

This weekend has brought on an ear and eye infection for Max. He had to miss school on Friday because he was in pain all night from his ear. However, we haven’t slowed down any. We have been doing Halloween crafts, had a family movie night and watched Turbo – Max said it was just like the theater: we had popcorn, kept the room dark, and we all sat together. I had to put Belle to bed about thirty minutes before the movie finished though: she was getting antsy and cranky.

Logan is now entirely focused on Turbo because it’s a snail who becomes a racer. It has all the things Logan likes: speed, cars, and racing. He went upstairs to count his money to see if he had enough to get a little turbo snail car. The boy is all about cars just like his Daddy.

I was busy with the camera and did up the kids’ portraits for Christmas cards – yes I know it’s early but I have to work with the sunlight, the time of day, and four kids. The odds are always stacked against me but I pulled it off nonetheless. Miley loved getting dressed up and putting on her “lipstick.” Belle is still a challenge to photograph but the boys were easy peasy.

The boys finished up their last swimming lesson this morning. As we trucked out in a snowstorm I decided we will sign them up for another session in the spring. It wasn’t fun taking the cold, wet boys out in the winter weather. Speaking of weather, we got slammed with our first snow storm of the season. We went from 20 degree weather to 15 cm of snow in twenty four hours. The boys loved seeing the snow and are itching to get out. Belle and Miley aren’t quite as enthusiastic. They like the look of it but Belle doesn’t “like the nowing” very much.

Max went to a classmate/neighbours Halloween costume party this afternoon. My little power ranger had a great time playing with everyone and doing crafts. He came home with a goodie bag, a pumpkin which he colored in green, and a book. We had another super busy weekend and now we are gearing up for another week of school.

School Stuff

22/Oct/2013 – School Stuff

Max and Logan both had exciting and extra fun days at school.

Yesterday was Logan’s turn to be special helper in the class and bring something special for show and tell. He has been looking forward to being the special helper for weeks and had no problem jumping out of bed first thing in the morning. We sent pictures of Logan working on the race car with Daddy and then outside driving (and crashing) it for show and tell. Along with the photos, he chose a model car to show all his friends. When I picked him up from school he told me everything he did that day: he got to sit next to his teacher, do show and tell, and do the chicken dance and the gummi bear dance but the gummi bear dance is the best and read a book about “capetillar’s” that turns into a beautiful butterfly. He went on and on without pausing for a second (even more so than the sentence portrays.) It was funny to listen to and he has never been so enthusiastic about school. This morning he was ready to go again because it was a special day of camping to learn about the letter C. He brought his blanket and a car along with his excitement to camp. I thought this morning was a wash because he woke up sick to his tummy and held on to a bucket for a while but seems like it was reflux related. So two great days in a row for Logan is a huge win!

Max had a really special day too: he presented his life box to his class. It was a box filled with special things all about him and what makes him unique. He had a great time filling it with special things:

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He put in his favorite book The Kissing Hand, favorite Super Mario game, movie Polar Express, a train, transformer, a jar of sea glass from Nova Scotia, his soccer jersey from Riverview Soccer Association, pictures of doing lego and of the kitty, a green crayon (his favorite color), and a cut out of his go-to snack- popcorn! He had a great time presenting to his class and is quite proud of himself. It was funny watching him trying to maneuver the big black box of special stuff into the school this morning.

The excitement didn’t stop there. He ran out of school today to tell me he moved up to yellow sight words and E level books. We are so proud! He hardly spent any time on the orange sight words. Max is our little super reader.

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13/Oct/2013 – Thanksgristmas

..That’s right. It’s Thanksgiving and Christmas. Gramma and Grandpa arrived yesterday and within the first half hour of being here, they dropped presents and cash on the kids left and right. This obviously led to a trip to Toys R Us: the kids have been hard up for a new toy since back in August we placed a no-buying-toys rule until Christmas. At the toys store the girls chose new appliances and food for their kitchen which means we have been drinking lots of muffin-coffee and the toy blender has created chocolate-wiener shakes.

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The boys chose transformers, skylanders, and trucks. On top of that, Grandpa spoiled the boys with a new lego ninja-go set. See? Christmas. Mommy and Daddy are getting spoiled too with a free installation of pot lights in the living room. Score.

Max has been really looking forward to turkey-lurkey. I would have preferred a turkey soaked in javex and sprayed in Lysol but Gramma wouldn’t go for it. Wise woman she is, prepping it while I wasn’t looking. Belle feels the same way I do about turkey. See?

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We had a delicious meal, and all said what we were thankful for. The most notable came from Max who is thankful for drives in the van, and Logan who is thankful for cars. Real deep. We filled our bellies and then Gramma and Grandpa gave the kids a jar of treasures from the beach in NS: bottles of sea glass. All kids were impressed except for Logan who said “well they are JUST rocks!” Logan was more excited about being able to hear the ocean when he put his ear up to the jar. We ended the day with a nice long walk to burn off the turkey-lurkey and take in the beautiful weather. It’s been a great Thanksgristmas!!


Long Weekend

11/Oct/2013 – Long Weekend

We have been so looking forward to this long weekend: the boys have four days off to rest at home and do whatever. It gets better though: Gramma and Grandpa are coming to visit!

We’ve just been riding the busy waves of school, baths, homework, quality time, and sleep. The days have been so hectic and some of the nights super long. Last weekend we really piled in the fun on the weekend. The boys built airplanes at home depot and apparently Logan is a total natural with a hammer, and Max ever so eloquently put his together perfectly. We also went to an open house at the fire station in Airdrie: the boys got to slide down the pole, and loved being able to sit in the driver’s seat of the big fire engine. The girls had a great time too checking out the back of the truck and roaming around the station.

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Max has proudly moved on to “D” level reading books, and doing a great job. He also just moved up to the next level of sight words and effortlessly reading them aloud to us. He is doing fabulous in school. We ordered personalized Christmas cards of his art work from school: a little personal touch from him to all our friends and family this year! He is very proud of his work. Yesterday I had to pick up Max early from school and as he is walking down the hallway with his teacher he says “I just love Thanksgiving because of all the good food.” He is known as the chicken-man in class because he loves his chicken for lunch! Now I have to cook a turkey and you all know where I stand with turkeys. I don’t do the turkey thing: I don’t even want to see it in my fridge *retch*

Logan had a visit with the asthma clinic and his pediatrician yesterday. What a go ahead. Car sick on the way there, heaving during his breathing tests, car sick on the way home just made for a super long day not to mention I walked in the door to boogery, feverish girls. Anyway, Logan’s asthma still isn’t under control. We are adding singulair nightly to his medication regimen and formed a plan to leave with the school should anything arise at school. Back in a month and waiting to hear from OT for an appointment for him in the meantime. Logan settled in at school and made friends. Both boys have made friends on our street and we are now in stage of other little kids knocking on our door asking our boys if they can go out and play. I love it and I’m happy for them.

Miley is still loving dance class and is always looking forward to the next class and practicing her moves. She’s already found her niche at this young age and does so well. She truly looks up to her teacher Miss Rachel with admiration. Plus she is totally adorable in her dance attire and hair all tied up. The other day she randomly said to me “Mommy are you my conscience?”  While I almost spit out my coffee and stopped dead in my tracks as I was driving, I remembered the girls were watching Finding Nemo. So that explains it. A moment to remember!  She and Belle go play in their room some mornings while the boys are in school – they close the door, sit on their beds quietly and when I open the door they tell me to get out because they are telling secrets. I can so see this coming back to haunt me in teenage years.

The kids are growing fast: Logan outgrew all his pants that we bought him just last month and Belle outgrew her new sneakers. Back to the mall for more shopping. Max is getting Logan’s hand me downs now! These kids are getting hard to keep up in the food and clothing department!

I also purchased our 2013 holiday ornament, isn’t it cute??

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2/Oct/2013 – Because Why?

Belle: “because-a-why, Mommy?” … “because-a-why?” It just doesn’t matter what my answer is, she will keep on asking “because-a-why?”

Max: “what does it feel like to die?”

“I don’t ever want to die Mommy” Oh my god child, let’s catch the bugs and be happy.

Logan: “I don’t want to go to school anymore. Drips (tears) came out of my eyes because I worried about you” Oh Logie bear, I love you too.

Miley: “Ugh Belle always stinks, everything always stinks.” Miley, sweetheart, something Is stuck up your nose.

Some fun things we did together on the weekend: trip to the library, turkey crafts, fall pictures by their awesome mama, the boys had their fourth swimming lesson, and Belle’s hair finally fit into a pony tail for the first time!

Look at these beautiful babies of mine!
