Long Weekend

11/Oct/2013 – Long Weekend

We have been so looking forward to this long weekend: the boys have four days off to rest at home and do whatever. It gets better though: Gramma and Grandpa are coming to visit!

We’ve just been riding the busy waves of school, baths, homework, quality time, and sleep. The days have been so hectic and some of the nights super long. Last weekend we really piled in the fun on the weekend. The boys built airplanes at home depot and apparently Logan is a total natural with a hammer, and Max ever so eloquently put his together perfectly. We also went to an open house at the fire station in Airdrie: the boys got to slide down the pole, and loved being able to sit in the driver’s seat of the big fire engine. The girls had a great time too checking out the back of the truck and roaming around the station.

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Max has proudly moved on to “D” level reading books, and doing a great job. He also just moved up to the next level of sight words and effortlessly reading them aloud to us. He is doing fabulous in school. We ordered personalized Christmas cards of his art work from school: a little personal touch from him to all our friends and family this year! He is very proud of his work. Yesterday I had to pick up Max early from school and as he is walking down the hallway with his teacher he says “I just love Thanksgiving because of all the good food.” He is known as the chicken-man in class because he loves his chicken for lunch! Now I have to cook a turkey and you all know where I stand with turkeys. I don’t do the turkey thing: I don’t even want to see it in my fridge *retch*

Logan had a visit with the asthma clinic and his pediatrician yesterday. What a go ahead. Car sick on the way there, heaving during his breathing tests, car sick on the way home just made for a super long day not to mention I walked in the door to boogery, feverish girls. Anyway, Logan’s asthma still isn’t under control. We are adding singulair nightly to his medication regimen and formed a plan to leave with the school should anything arise at school. Back in a month and waiting to hear from OT for an appointment for him in the meantime. Logan settled in at school and made friends. Both boys have made friends on our street and we are now in stage of other little kids knocking on our door asking our boys if they can go out and play. I love it and I’m happy for them.

Miley is still loving dance class and is always looking forward to the next class and practicing her moves. She’s already found her niche at this young age and does so well. She truly looks up to her teacher Miss Rachel with admiration. Plus she is totally adorable in her dance attire and hair all tied up. The other day she randomly said to me “Mommy are you my conscience?”  While I almost spit out my coffee and stopped dead in my tracks as I was driving, I remembered the girls were watching Finding Nemo. So that explains it. A moment to remember!  She and Belle go play in their room some mornings while the boys are in school – they close the door, sit on their beds quietly and when I open the door they tell me to get out because they are telling secrets. I can so see this coming back to haunt me in teenage years.

The kids are growing fast: Logan outgrew all his pants that we bought him just last month and Belle outgrew her new sneakers. Back to the mall for more shopping. Max is getting Logan’s hand me downs now! These kids are getting hard to keep up in the food and clothing department!

I also purchased our 2013 holiday ornament, isn’t it cute??

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