
13/Oct/2013 – Thanksgristmas

..That’s right. It’s Thanksgiving and Christmas. Gramma and Grandpa arrived yesterday and within the first half hour of being here, they dropped presents and cash on the kids left and right. This obviously led to a trip to Toys R Us: the kids have been hard up for a new toy since back in August we placed a no-buying-toys rule until Christmas. At the toys store the girls chose new appliances and food for their kitchen which means we have been drinking lots of muffin-coffee and the toy blender has created chocolate-wiener shakes.

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The boys chose transformers, skylanders, and trucks. On top of that, Grandpa spoiled the boys with a new lego ninja-go set. See? Christmas. Mommy and Daddy are getting spoiled too with a free installation of pot lights in the living room. Score.

Max has been really looking forward to turkey-lurkey. I would have preferred a turkey soaked in javex and sprayed in Lysol but Gramma wouldn’t go for it. Wise woman she is, prepping it while I wasn’t looking. Belle feels the same way I do about turkey. See?

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We had a delicious meal, and all said what we were thankful for. The most notable came from Max who is thankful for drives in the van, and Logan who is thankful for cars. Real deep. We filled our bellies and then Gramma and Grandpa gave the kids a jar of treasures from the beach in NS: bottles of sea glass. All kids were impressed except for Logan who said “well they are JUST rocks!” Logan was more excited about being able to hear the ocean when he put his ear up to the jar. We ended the day with a nice long walk to burn off the turkey-lurkey and take in the beautiful weather. It’s been a great Thanksgristmas!!


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