School Stuff

22/Oct/2013 – School Stuff

Max and Logan both had exciting and extra fun days at school.

Yesterday was Logan’s turn to be special helper in the class and bring something special for show and tell. He has been looking forward to being the special helper for weeks and had no problem jumping out of bed first thing in the morning. We sent pictures of Logan working on the race car with Daddy and then outside driving (and crashing) it for show and tell. Along with the photos, he chose a model car to show all his friends. When I picked him up from school he told me everything he did that day: he got to sit next to his teacher, do show and tell, and do the chicken dance and the gummi bear dance but the gummi bear dance is the best and read a book about “capetillar’s” that turns into a beautiful butterfly. He went on and on without pausing for a second (even more so than the sentence portrays.) It was funny to listen to and he has never been so enthusiastic about school. This morning he was ready to go again because it was a special day of camping to learn about the letter C. He brought his blanket and a car along with his excitement to camp. I thought this morning was a wash because he woke up sick to his tummy and held on to a bucket for a while but seems like it was reflux related. So two great days in a row for Logan is a huge win!

Max had a really special day too: he presented his life box to his class. It was a box filled with special things all about him and what makes him unique. He had a great time filling it with special things:

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He put in his favorite book The Kissing Hand, favorite Super Mario game, movie Polar Express, a train, transformer, a jar of sea glass from Nova Scotia, his soccer jersey from Riverview Soccer Association, pictures of doing lego and of the kitty, a green crayon (his favorite color), and a cut out of his go-to snack- popcorn! He had a great time presenting to his class and is quite proud of himself. It was funny watching him trying to maneuver the big black box of special stuff into the school this morning.

The excitement didn’t stop there. He ran out of school today to tell me he moved up to yellow sight words and E level books. We are so proud! He hardly spent any time on the orange sight words. Max is our little super reader.

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