the goings on

27/Oct/2013 – The Goings On

This weekend has brought on an ear and eye infection for Max. He had to miss school on Friday because he was in pain all night from his ear. However, we haven’t slowed down any. We have been doing Halloween crafts, had a family movie night and watched Turbo – Max said it was just like the theater: we had popcorn, kept the room dark, and we all sat together. I had to put Belle to bed about thirty minutes before the movie finished though: she was getting antsy and cranky.

Logan is now entirely focused on Turbo because it’s a snail who becomes a racer. It has all the things Logan likes: speed, cars, and racing. He went upstairs to count his money to see if he had enough to get a little turbo snail car. The boy is all about cars just like his Daddy.

I was busy with the camera and did up the kids’ portraits for Christmas cards – yes I know it’s early but I have to work with the sunlight, the time of day, and four kids. The odds are always stacked against me but I pulled it off nonetheless. Miley loved getting dressed up and putting on her “lipstick.” Belle is still a challenge to photograph but the boys were easy peasy.

The boys finished up their last swimming lesson this morning. As we trucked out in a snowstorm I decided we will sign them up for another session in the spring. It wasn’t fun taking the cold, wet boys out in the winter weather. Speaking of weather, we got slammed with our first snow storm of the season. We went from 20 degree weather to 15 cm of snow in twenty four hours. The boys loved seeing the snow and are itching to get out. Belle and Miley aren’t quite as enthusiastic. They like the look of it but Belle doesn’t “like the nowing” very much.

Max went to a classmate/neighbours Halloween costume party this afternoon. My little power ranger had a great time playing with everyone and doing crafts. He came home with a goodie bag, a pumpkin which he colored in green, and a book. We had another super busy weekend and now we are gearing up for another week of school.

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