C’est l’halloween

31/Oct/2013 – C’est l’Halloween!

What a night!

Our two princesses and our two power rangers trucked through a huge part of the community knocking on doors and yelling “trick or treat!” I had little expectations for the girls but they were quite independent as they lugged their loot behind them and went door to door. The weather cooperated and we all had a fun evening out. Mommy and Daddy both went out trick or treating with the kids and just left a pile of treats on the step for kids to help themselves. It was great!

Max and Logan were troopers too and were excited every time something new was dropped into their bags. When we got home they all picked a spot on the living room floor and dumped out their treats. We let them choose three things each and put the rest in assigned containers.

It was a really great time!

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