A new year

31/Dec/2013 – a new year

2013 has been quite a year. It started off with two major things: we finally figured out a key issue with Belle (hypoglycemia) and we left Moncton (thank god.) While it was nice to revisit the maritimes after living in Toronto, it definitely was not the place for us, and after everything we went through with Belle, we needed a fresh start and better medical resources.

It was a bumpy start full of unexpected things. The boys had a harder time settling in than I had expected, unpacking and making our house feel like a home was easily a six month process, and the viruses to boot was a lot to handle. At that we arrived to Calgary expecting to be set up with a new doctor for Belle only to be left high and dry with this monkey who had a fresh diagnosis we were still learning about. While moving here was the absolute best thing for our family, it was also the most challenging time to date.

With all that, there are so many great things: we love our home and community, we have made great friends, found good babysitters, and Jon does zero travel for work. Max and Logan still mention Moncton at least once a week, but they have settled in. The city is awesome and never boring. Just driving on the highway is exhilarating with all the traffic. The shopping is sweet. It reminds me a lot of Toronto. I hope we never have to move again because this feels like home.

monumental 2013 events:

This is the year Logan started school! That was rough- the first day went well and then it went downhill fast. His teacher takes good care of him and we all work well together to do what’s best for Logan.

Max started grade one and has become an excellent reader. He still prefers his video games over anything else but he’s an easy going kid.

Miley started Dance this year and is doing great plus, she truly enjoys it. Her dance nights are our special outing together.

Belle moved into a toddler bed. She starts her nights out in her own bed in the room she shares with Miley. Usually before midnight she joins Mommy and Daddy in our bed.

The boys did their first round of swimming lessons.

I just noticed that the last three months we haven’t used a stroller. That was a seven year run! It feels so free!

I hope that 2014 is easy on us and brings better health especially for Logan and Belle. I look forward to more swimming lessons, sports, and fun with the kids. Mostly though, January 2014 looks daunting and I hope to come out of it alive.

Here’s to another year. Cheers!

***usually I am witty and comical with these year-end posts. I think the drinks over the last few weeks borrowed too many brain cells.


29/Dec/2013- Go.To.SLEEP

it’s after 11:00 PM. The boys have been in bed for over two hours and the carrying on is something else.

Logan: my smurf’s nose is wet. I bit it.

At one point both boys were calling Jon “Greg”… Hi Greg. Ok Greg. We ask them who Greg is, their reply: “it’s grandpa” followed by an outburst of laughter.

Jon’s turn to go in and deal with them and he sees the following: Max trying to sleep, Logan sitting up and randomly breaking into song, singing Jingle Bells.

On a cute note, Max shared one of his bobbies with daddy for the night. If we ever get to sleep.


28/Dec/2013 – Miley

The kids were just itching to go spend their gift cards at the Toy Store. We packed them in for a short outing yesterday where they all chose something. Except for Miley. She went to the store wanting one thing: Baby Alive. You know, the one that eats, pees, and poops type of doll. We soon realized they were all sold out of the one she wanted. She was so upset she started to cry and we could not sell her on any other toy or doll. She decided she was saving the gift card for the baby she really wanted. We were quite impressed. We told her it would be at least a few days, but when she got home she cleared the top bunk of her baby bunk beds to get ready.

While we were out today, in a different area of the city, I hit up a different toy store and found the doll she was waiting so patiently for. She wasn’t expecting it at all. We used the gift card from Uncle Luc and Brit to buy it. I hid it in the trunk and went on with our afternoon. Once Belle was settled in to bed I surprised her with the doll. She was so excited and kept saying “I’m not sad anymore, I love her.”

So we tested it out. Miley fed it, and played, and Mommy had to change the first diaper! Now Miley knows how to do it with a bit of practice. She was kissing the doll, playing with her and taking care of her. It was SO adorable we couldn’t believe how much she was into it. Mommy sneakily put the doll in off-mode and told her the baby was sleeping and it was time for Miley to sleep too. Worked perfectly because the baby’s eyes close when she lies down.

Watching Miley was so cute and fun. I can’t wait to see what she does with the doll tomorrow!

Here’s a video link: http://youtu.be/drOROciL4PI

Merry Christmas

25/Dec/2013 – Merry Christmas

At 6:30 our kiddies were up and excited to see if Santa came while they were sleeping. Daddy went down stairs ahead of us to turn on the lights and yelled “Santa was here!” We couldn’t get downstairs fast enough. The morning totally zipped by as each one looked at the toys Santa left, looked through their stockings, and opened gifts.  I took pictures of each one’s stash to remember what was given to them and the lucky kids got everything on their lists…and MORE!

Mommy and Daddy drank lots of coffee as we watched the kids go nuts over presents. I managed to capture a few pictures but left the camera down for the most part as we handed out gifts and played with the kids. It didn’t take long for everyone to get overwhelmed and fill three bags of garbage. We are very lucky.

A huge thanks to grandparents, uncles, aunts, godparents, and friends for such generosity, kindness, and thinking of us over the holidays. It certainly did not go unnoticed. We truly enjoyed Christmas with just us and our new home. Our first Christmas here was more than we could have asked for.

Uncle Dave and Monica came for a visit in the morning and played with toys with the kids for a while. They went back home to cook a turkey dinner while we napped. Before long I was on my way to their place with the two girls for dinner and a visit. It will forever be remembered as the visit where the stuffing looked like dog food and uncle Dave retched ahahaha. We did lots of FaceTime with Gramma and Grandpa to show them what everyone got. We saw Uncle Nat and Auntie Leia too! They spoiled Logie!

Today was a busy, chaotic, crazy-fun day. And we get to stay in pj’s and play all day tomorrow too!

Now for the pictures!







The kids’ stashes!





Christmas Eve

24/Dec/2013 – Christmas Eve

Tonight is Steve’s last night with us. When Santa’s passes by he will pick up Steve and take him back to the North Pole until next December. We awoke to Steve sitting by the gingerbread house we made, with a letter and a present for each kid to open.

photo 1 (8) photo 2 (11)

We headed off to Uncle Dave’s for the morning to see his UGLY tree and leave some presents. Logan had a great old time playing with airplanes and helicopters with Uncle Dave while Max and the girls raided his pantry for chips and snacks. It was a fun morning of horsing around and passing the time while we waited for Daddy to get home from work. Once we got home, the boys and I made sugar cookies for Santa and then we all played outside.

Finally it was time to open the present from Steve: Christmas PJ’s! Just like they get every Christmas Eve. Once the monkeys were bathed and in their new PJ’s we gave them each a small toy to open from us, just to hold them over until morning.




The kids all settled quite well at bedtime. I think the energy spent throughout the day with no nap really helped with that. Santa came to our house while we were all sleeping. He filled stockings that hung on the mantle and left toys for everyone.



23/Dec/2013- Countdown!!

Steve is hanging out on the ledge with the cards and ornament that counts down til Christmas! This morning when the kids found Steve, we saw there was 1 day, 15 hours, and 18 minutes until the big day.

photo 4 (4)

To help keep the excitement under control the kids and I built a gingerbread house. We had lots of fun and munched on all the left over candy. Tonight is Steve’s last night with us. As we were tucking Max into bed he was all sad and teary eyed that he wouldn’t see Steve again for a long time. I’m sad too. We will make a photo book of Steve’s 2013 adventures in our house so we can look at him anytime. It’s been great!

Zip Line

21/Dec/2013 – Zip Line

Well I guess Steve is looking for a bit of entertainment at night before we wake. He was zip lining across the living room! His arms must have been really sore at the end of the day!

photo 2 (10)

Christmas Miracle?

20/Dec/2013 – Christmas Miracle?

Ok maybe Steve can work his magic or use the miracle gro to save the poinsettia. Or just throw it in the garbage. I’m cool either way. I can’t believe I couldn’t keep a plant alive for a measly four weeks. Did even make it until Christmas bahahahah

photo 5 (4)