A new year

31/Dec/2013 – a new year

2013 has been quite a year. It started off with two major things: we finally figured out a key issue with Belle (hypoglycemia) and we left Moncton (thank god.) While it was nice to revisit the maritimes after living in Toronto, it definitely was not the place for us, and after everything we went through with Belle, we needed a fresh start and better medical resources.

It was a bumpy start full of unexpected things. The boys had a harder time settling in than I had expected, unpacking and making our house feel like a home was easily a six month process, and the viruses to boot was a lot to handle. At that we arrived to Calgary expecting to be set up with a new doctor for Belle only to be left high and dry with this monkey who had a fresh diagnosis we were still learning about. While moving here was the absolute best thing for our family, it was also the most challenging time to date.

With all that, there are so many great things: we love our home and community, we have made great friends, found good babysitters, and Jon does zero travel for work. Max and Logan still mention Moncton at least once a week, but they have settled in. The city is awesome and never boring. Just driving on the highway is exhilarating with all the traffic. The shopping is sweet. It reminds me a lot of Toronto. I hope we never have to move again because this feels like home.

monumental 2013 events:

This is the year Logan started school! That was rough- the first day went well and then it went downhill fast. His teacher takes good care of him and we all work well together to do what’s best for Logan.

Max started grade one and has become an excellent reader. He still prefers his video games over anything else but he’s an easy going kid.

Miley started Dance this year and is doing great plus, she truly enjoys it. Her dance nights are our special outing together.

Belle moved into a toddler bed. She starts her nights out in her own bed in the room she shares with Miley. Usually before midnight she joins Mommy and Daddy in our bed.

The boys did their first round of swimming lessons.

I just noticed that the last three months we haven’t used a stroller. That was a seven year run! It feels so free!

I hope that 2014 is easy on us and brings better health especially for Logan and Belle. I look forward to more swimming lessons, sports, and fun with the kids. Mostly though, January 2014 looks daunting and I hope to come out of it alive.

Here’s to another year. Cheers!

***usually I am witty and comical with these year-end posts. I think the drinks over the last few weeks borrowed too many brain cells.

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