Soccer Season

18/March/2014 – Soccer Season

We’ve got the boys and Miley all signed up for soccer this spring. Max is signed up for Under8, and Logan Under6. They will both play Monday and Wednesday nights until end of June. Miley will play on Saturday mornings.  With the moving chaos this time last year we didn’t get around to putting the boys in soccer so they’ve really missed it. The last time they played was in Moncton and that feels like ages ago now.

I think Miley will really enjoy soccer. She is signed up for Under 4 and I think she will like trying something other than dance class. Our weeks are going to be busy! Thursdays and Fridays will be the only evenings we don’t have an extra-curricular activity to attend. Great for the whole family though!


Today was a beautiful sunny day. Perfect for walks and puddle jumping as all the snow melts away. The air was so refreshing and the kids all got to wear their new rain boots.

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15/March/2014 – Biohazard

Our house continues to be a biohazard. Really this is getting hard to believe. It’s been over five weeks of non-stop illness. Gastro, colds, hospital stays. A person can only take so much and I feel crazy. After being up all night with Miley and Logan as they had high fevers, nasty coughs, vomiting – you name it, they had it – we took them in to be seen. Miley has pneumonia and Logan is being treated for both pneumonia and strep. But it didn’t end there: later on I had to take Miley to Urgent Care because she was working so hard to breathe. They fixed her up and she’s on a good antibiotic. Hopefully they will all turn a corner soon.

Another long weekend with beautiful weather spent indoors nursing sick kids back on their feet. For a little break and fresh air I took Belle puddle jumping a few times over the weekend. She got some new rubber boots and loved going for walks to find water to play in. The simple things are just so much fun!


In good news, a lot of my old site has been restored. It’s missing a lot of pictures which I am ok with since those are all backed up on our server anyway. The entries were what I wanted most and it looks like they are all there. I still have to continue to scan the site but so far so good! I am so grateful.

Miley is 4

10/March/2014 – Miley is 4

Happy 4th birthday Princess Miley! It’s hard to believe four years have flown by already. Our Princess-Ballerina still loves the colour pink, acts way too old for her actual age, and is an absolute spitfire. This girl knows what she wants and makes sure everyone else knows too. While there are days I find that frustrating, I hope she never loses that part of herself. She will make for one strong woman someday.

Miley loves all things girly: doing makeup, wearing nail polish, new shoes and clothes excite her as much as a new toy, and playing tea party and Disney Princesses with Belle are her thing. She is still in love with dance class as she was in the beginning, and we are thinking about getting her into soccer for a bit of balance.

Some little details about Miley: she is quirky about her blankets at bedtime – she won’t cover up in anything but her pink bobbies no matter what. She is very independent and likes to do things for herself right down to brushing her teeth – she still lets me do her hair though. She prefers small toys over anything big- things she can carry around in a little bucket or purse. Her favorite movie is Frozen and at night when she’s supposed to be sleeping I catch her singing the songs from the movie into her karaoke machine. She still cat naps during the day and loves her evening quiet time. Her all-time favorite foods are cheerios with milk, pizza, cheese, and chocolate milk to drink.

We celebrated her birthday yesterday (9/March) with a princess tea party. I put so much thought into the tea party and it totally suited Miley’s style and personality. A friend and I went out shopping for dresses to take part too. Part of Miley’s birthday gift was a Disney Princess dress. I got her a Cinderella ball gown from the Disney store and she was just elated. One of her favorite friends, Rowyn, came all dressed up and we had a great tea party. Butler-Jon served the princesses at the tea party and we did cake – a pink princess cake- and presents. Setting up and planning the tea party was as much fun as the party in itself. Miley truly enjoyed every second of it.

Pictures that captured the detail and fun pretty well:


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7/March/2014 – Hope

As you all know, I put seven years of entries and memories into

Today, this appeared on my screen


Yes…I still try to access the site daily. I still get sick to my stomach when I think of everything that is lost. However, my best friend got her site restored today and she has given me hope that mine will too. I paid $11.00 for site restoration. While I think this is wrong since I paid a yearly membership as it is and the site disappeared without communication, I can’t put a price on the entries I lost. The guy is capitalizing on people’s desperation: Bravo. I hope to get my site back and move on.


all about Belle

5/March/2014 – All about Belle

I didn’t have time to get a nice birthday entry together for her with all the health drama.

Weight: 13.4 kg

Height: 3’ 1”

Hair: blonde curls – very high maintenance hair!

Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Movie: a tie between Frozen and Toy Story. She has been playing with the toys from the Toy Story movie that used to belong to the boys when they were 2&3 years old. So glad I kept them around. I added to her collection for her birthday!

Sleep: was in her own bed, in her own room, with a middle of the night visit into our bed. We are back to her in our room full time. She needs us, and we can keep an eye on her better this way.

Personality: the kid who cried for the first two years of her life is the most mellow, happy, easy going girl ever. She makes us laugh all the time, loves to cuddle, and has the greatest belly-laugh. She is also on the anxious side which comes and goes in waves depending on her health. She is very independent and has to do things herself – if we interrupt that process she throws a tantrum. Belle loves to sing! She is quite the entertainer.

Favorite Food: Smiley Fries, cupcakes, and bears (teddy grahams)

Favorite Drink: water, in her yellow water cups.

Dislikes: getting her hair done or her teeth brushed, baths, being told “no”, clothes that have any kind of dirty spot in her eyes – the kid is always undressing herself!

Birthday: celebrated with Gramma V. We did balloons, toy story decorations, cupcakes, and presents. Memorable gifts: plush Woody and Jessie from toy story, figurine sets from Finding Nemo and Frozen, Lego Duplo cake set, toy pizza, and a “crown” (headband)

Favorite Toys: anything plush, especially if they are characters from movies or shows she likes. Loves cabbage patch dolls, and Olaf the Snowman.

Other: Very attached to her two blankets (she calls them her bobbi), still has her bippies (3 is the magic age to make those disappear – that won’t go well), and loves her tinkerbell comforter at bedtime.

There is Belle in a nutshell at 3 years old. She changes every day and growing up way too fast on us.



3/March/2014 – Updates

A lot has been going on and we have been in no shape to update. Point form it is!

–          Logan’s MRI came back clean! After ten days of stress and horrifying thoughts we welcomed the wonderful news. Whatever is causing the vomiting, we can deal with. We still have tests to complete

–          Our house was hit with gastro. So our week-long break from school plus the week following involved buckets, Clorox, and zero sleep. Twelve days from hell after we were so looking forward to down time from school.

–          Belle was rushed to ACH by ambulance this past Wednesday. She had gastro two days before but her blood sugars kept dropping. Wednesday morning when I woke her up she was very unwell. Her blood sugar was 1.6! Extremely disturbing. The night before she was put on IV dextrose for low sugar’s that we couldn’t keep up. She was admitted to hospital and kept on IV dextrose until she could start maintaining herself.

–          One day last week we were at the Disney store and the song ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen was on. All four kids stopped to sing and perform at the top of their lungs. The shoppers and staff in the store came to a standstill as they watched. The kids all got special Mickey Mouse flashlights and stickers for such a great performance. It was adorable.

–          Gramma has been visiting the last week and the kids have been really enjoying her visit. Last night we took the boys the see The Lego Movie. We were inspired by the movie and made Lego tree houses when we got home.

–          Max has moved on to spelling in school and doing a great job.

–          Miley’s 4th birthday is coming up. She is very excited. I ordered a Barbie cake for her (in pink of course!)

A few pictures:

The ambulance to ACH

photo 1 (10)

photo 2 (14)


Miley playing guitar with Daddy:

photo 3 (8)


The Lego movie & building Lego tree houses:

photo 4 (7)

photo 5 (5)

Belle is 3!

1/March/2014 – Belle is 3!

Happy birthday Belle & Gramma!

In the morning we went out to get balloons and decorations, Gramma made cupcakes. We tried to get the newly three year old to take a nap but she was too excited. She kept saying she wanted her cupcakes. We got her dressed in her special birthday shirt and brought her downstairs to see the decorations and start celebrating. We got balloons for Gramma too, and the balloons were the biggest hit with all the kids. They provided endless entertainment (and drama when they popped.)




We sang Happy Birthday a few times and relit candles. Belle sang along as we sang to her. She loves birthdays and was happy to see a whole bunch of cupcakes!



I had wrapped a plush Woody from Toy Story in a cracker box. When she tore off the paper and saw the box she was so genuinely pleased to see a box of crackers “oh yayyyyyy CRACKERS for ME!” It was hilarious. I almost think she was a tad disappointed there weren’t crackers in the box.



She really had a wonderful day and was so happy with all the attention and decorations.