all about Belle

5/March/2014 – All about Belle

I didn’t have time to get a nice birthday entry together for her with all the health drama.

Weight: 13.4 kg

Height: 3’ 1”

Hair: blonde curls – very high maintenance hair!

Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Movie: a tie between Frozen and Toy Story. She has been playing with the toys from the Toy Story movie that used to belong to the boys when they were 2&3 years old. So glad I kept them around. I added to her collection for her birthday!

Sleep: was in her own bed, in her own room, with a middle of the night visit into our bed. We are back to her in our room full time. She needs us, and we can keep an eye on her better this way.

Personality: the kid who cried for the first two years of her life is the most mellow, happy, easy going girl ever. She makes us laugh all the time, loves to cuddle, and has the greatest belly-laugh. She is also on the anxious side which comes and goes in waves depending on her health. She is very independent and has to do things herself – if we interrupt that process she throws a tantrum. Belle loves to sing! She is quite the entertainer.

Favorite Food: Smiley Fries, cupcakes, and bears (teddy grahams)

Favorite Drink: water, in her yellow water cups.

Dislikes: getting her hair done or her teeth brushed, baths, being told “no”, clothes that have any kind of dirty spot in her eyes – the kid is always undressing herself!

Birthday: celebrated with Gramma V. We did balloons, toy story decorations, cupcakes, and presents. Memorable gifts: plush Woody and Jessie from toy story, figurine sets from Finding Nemo and Frozen, Lego Duplo cake set, toy pizza, and a “crown” (headband)

Favorite Toys: anything plush, especially if they are characters from movies or shows she likes. Loves cabbage patch dolls, and Olaf the Snowman.

Other: Very attached to her two blankets (she calls them her bobbi), still has her bippies (3 is the magic age to make those disappear – that won’t go well), and loves her tinkerbell comforter at bedtime.

There is Belle in a nutshell at 3 years old. She changes every day and growing up way too fast on us.


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