
15/March/2014 – Biohazard

Our house continues to be a biohazard. Really this is getting hard to believe. It’s been over five weeks of non-stop illness. Gastro, colds, hospital stays. A person can only take so much and I feel crazy. After being up all night with Miley and Logan as they had high fevers, nasty coughs, vomiting – you name it, they had it – we took them in to be seen. Miley has pneumonia and Logan is being treated for both pneumonia and strep. But it didn’t end there: later on I had to take Miley to Urgent Care because she was working so hard to breathe. They fixed her up and she’s on a good antibiotic. Hopefully they will all turn a corner soon.

Another long weekend with beautiful weather spent indoors nursing sick kids back on their feet. For a little break and fresh air I took Belle puddle jumping a few times over the weekend. She got some new rubber boots and loved going for walks to find water to play in. The simple things are just so much fun!


In good news, a lot of my old site has been restored. It’s missing a lot of pictures which I am ok with since those are all backed up on our server anyway. The entries were what I wanted most and it looks like they are all there. I still have to continue to scan the site but so far so good! I am so grateful.

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