Soccer Season

18/March/2014 – Soccer Season

We’ve got the boys and Miley all signed up for soccer this spring. Max is signed up for Under8, and Logan Under6. They will both play Monday and Wednesday nights until end of June. Miley will play on Saturday mornings.  With the moving chaos this time last year we didn’t get around to putting the boys in soccer so they’ve really missed it. The last time they played was in Moncton and that feels like ages ago now.

I think Miley will really enjoy soccer. She is signed up for Under 4 and I think she will like trying something other than dance class. Our weeks are going to be busy! Thursdays and Fridays will be the only evenings we don’t have an extra-curricular activity to attend. Great for the whole family though!


Today was a beautiful sunny day. Perfect for walks and puddle jumping as all the snow melts away. The air was so refreshing and the kids all got to wear their new rain boots.

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