Diva girls

7/Oct/2014 – diva girls

I always thought Miley was the diva of the household. She loves shoes, makeup, everything pink and glittery, and all things girl. I had Belle pegged as the kid who was just happy with whatever.
Miley is still all those girlie things I listed, but Belle has really changed.

Belle suddenly cares a lot about her appearance. She doesn’t get that from me: I feel so crappy all the time that I put no effort into anything and probably look homeless to others. Her favorite color is still yellow, and she loves all things tinkerbell, cupcakes, and sparkles. Last week she had to change her pants because she fell in the mud and had a massive cry telling me she “won’t look cute anymore.” A few nights ago her favorite tinker bell shirt was in the wash and there was no reasoning with her; she absolutely had to have something tinker bell. I ended up putting her in pjs that were far too small for her that had tinker bell on the front of the shirt. Today she looked at her navy pants and then proceeded to inform me they had to come off: “mommy these aren’t cute, there’s no sparkles.”

I have to say I expect this of Miley, but I wasn’t expecting it from button. I took the girls shopping for new clothes and they had more fun than they do in a toy store. I had to slow them down and help them choose some things that weren’t necessarily all pink, yellow, or sparkly!

Look at these two!


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