
16/Oct/2014 – Thanksgiving

Gramma and Grandpa flew in from NS for the long weekend which was a surprise for the kids. They knew guests were coming but had no idea who. When Gramma and Grandpa showed up on the front door step, the kids went wild. It was a jam packed few days but fun. Logan worked hard to fight a cold and enjoy the days while they went on walks, spent grandpa’s money at the toy store, hot tubing at Uncle Dave’s, and eating a big turkey dinner.

Belle didn’t cry at the sight of the turkey this year, and Logan ate a bagel while the rest of us ate the big turkey dinner. Miley preferred to call it chicken. Max helped Gramma baste and cook while the rest of us napped the late morning and early afternoon away. Mom’s stuffing is like no other: when everyone went to bed I finished it off before anyone else could get their hands on it.

We finished off their visit with some fall photos and board games, and Jon and I slipped out to do a few errands (Christmas shopping and all that) alone.




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In other news, Miley needs glasses. She is going to get her pupils dilated at the end of this week and then we are on to shopping for frames.

Belle had a follow up with nephrology and needs an ultrasound done to take a look at her bladder. She doesn’t mind going there; she gets a sticker every time and is pleased as can be. The poor kid keeps dislocating her elbows just by looking at them. We have more appointments to deal with that at the end of the month.

Logan and Max are doing great in school. They play together every day and Max always includes Logan in his group of friends. Aside from that they seem to bring home every latest cold or virus circulating and I think we’ve had maybe five days of everyone being well since the beginning of September. It’s enough.

We have a tradition where we go to build a bear and make a special bear for the baby before it is born. We took the opportunity to get it made while Gramma and Grandpa hung out with the other kiddies. Here’s the latest bear in the family, filled with two hearts and good wishes.

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