Peds Appointment

27/Oct/2014 – Peds Appointment

Belle and Logan both had an appointment with the pediatrician this afternoon.

For Logan: his asthma is out of control. We changed up and increased his meds/inhalers. He also seeing an allergist because we really can’t figure out his triggers. On the days we think it might be a bad day (like hay being bailed just behind our house) nothing happens, and on clear days we are completely caught off guard. Hopefully we figure out something to alleviate some of the really bad attacks. I’ve learned a lot since Logan got diagnosed with asthma: I didn’t realize how big of a deal it really is. When you experience your own kid struggling first hand it sure changes a lot.

For Belle: as usual things are complicated. She is being sent for an MRI of her lower spine for marks on her back and her sacral sinus. There is concern about a tethered cord or some kind of congenital anomaly because she has difficulty emptying her bladder. I’m so annoyed that I brought this up with nephrology and they didn’t even look at her, but just handed me a pamphlet on pee schedules. I should have pushed harder though. On top of that her pediatrician doesn’t even know what to think about her elbows since he’s never had a kid her age pop them without cause. She will have an MRI of both elbows too while we wait on ortho.


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