Merry Christmas

25/Dec/2014 – Merry Christmas

The kids were up and the crack of dawn with excitement. We turned off the monitors and let them run around like little animals upstairs while we dozed a bit longer. What the kids didn’t know was that Grammie and Poppy Mac were waiting at the bottom of the stairs as they came down. It was crazy for a few minutes as they ran to the toys under the tree and tried to make sense of their grandparents being here. It was kind of funny.

While the four dopey-eyed grown-ups had coffee, the kids played with their toys from Santa and emptied their stockings.  We opened gifts in a semi non-crazy fashion at first and I was able to get some pictures. We stopped for a break and got the kids to eat a bit of breakfast before they kept digging in.

Here are some pictures. The kids had an amazing day!














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