
19/Dec/2014 – Appetite

Steve seems to have a sweet tooth. He polished off a few boxes of Elf donuts while we were sleeping.

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Logan had a big day today. We went out to see Santa Claus this morning and just before we left Logan said he had a headache. I suggested we stay home and go see Santa another day but he was adamant he was ok. Off we went and just as it was our turn to see Santa, Logan got sick and threw up all over the floor. Next thing you know, he’s sitting on Santa’s lap and the happiest kid there. It was as if nothing happened.

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We got home and he started to run a fever. Gravol, Tylenol, and a nap later, Logan was back to himself and suddenly lost his first tooth! He was so excited and bouncing off the walls that it was finally his turn after watching Max lose so many.

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The day was too eventful for me.



Steve is down

17/Dec/2014 – Steve is down

Last night, Belle came to us all upset because she accidentally nudged Steve. She was so apologetic and kept saying sorry to everyone. Santa knew it was an accident and sent some magic elf dust to sprinkle all over Steve to bring his magic back. Daddy helped Belle sprinkle the dust and hopefully Steve is better in the morning.

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14/Dec/14 – Spider-Steve

We woke up to Steve acting like Spiderman as he hung from a light fixture in the stairway. The kids loved it!

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Mommy didn’t have time during Max’s busy day to do anything one on one for his birthday. So, tonight we went out to McDonald’s for Happy Meals. We sat in a booth for over an hour as he just chatted away about all kinds of things. He is so cute!

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Max is 8!

13/Dec/14 – Max is 8!

Our little Mr. Max is 8 years old today. That’s hard to believe! He was up at the crack of dawn this morning and greeted to this message from Steve:

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Max and Daddy went out to Cora for a special birthday breakfast which is a traditional thing in our house. He came home happy to report that he had bacon, and fruit and was made a special bird out of apple. This year for a celebration, we nixed the whole classmates/party deal and did something else. Logan, Daddy, and Max spent a while at the arcade where ski-ball was their favorite game, and then took in a movie. It has been a while since they’ve been out to the theatre so it was a big treat. By the time they got home, Uncle Dave was on his way and it was time to sing “Happy Birthday” and cut into the cake. Max chose an arcade themed cake and got a little shy as we all sang to him. He doesn’t even eat cake but it was important to have: one must have a cake on their birthday.

After the cake, he tore into his presents. Max is very thankful for all the wonderful gifts from everyone. He got board games, science experiments, lego, video games, and funky cars. By about an hour out from bedtime he started to get really cranky and we could tell the busy day wore him out. It wasn’t long before we put away the new presents for the night and got tucked into bed.

Here are a few pictures:

Max’s birthday breakfast:

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Playing ski-ball at the arcade with Logan:

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At Home:











Story Time

11/Dec/2014 – Story Time

Reading Mortimer’s Christmas to a few pals. Agent Perry looks perplexed.

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Just shy of his eighth birthday, Max lost his sixth tooth. We had him tucked into bed and suddenly Max was yelling for Daddy. Right away we said “go to sleep!” but we were met with “but I lost my tooth!” We got him to clean up and put the tooth in a treasure box under his pillow.

Logan finally has two loose bottom teeth and is pretty excited to follow in Max’s footsteps.